
Resolution: The Forgotten Virtue

How many times have we promised that this time we’ll make this relationship work but a year later end up telling our friends that breaking up is just inevitable?

How many times have we announced that this will be the last slice of cake but eat a cup of ice cream when we get home?

How many times have we made an inspiring New Year’s resolution list and felt great about it only to misplace that list sometime in June?

How many times have we said to ourselves and to others that we will do this and that but dismissed them as too difficult in the end?

How many times have we read or heard something that has inspired us to do something noble only to forget it when the practical aspect of our lives overcome us?

How many times have we felt lofty emotions when we raise our fists to a song about justice and equality and freedom but run when the guns start shooting?

How many blog posts have we written about the virtues of heroes but never live according to those virtues ourselves?

Inspiration is easy. It’s resolution that gets us to the end. This 2012 may our spirits be resolute.

Happy New Year!

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